Sitecore フォーム アプリケーションは、フォーム要素ペインの構造セクションでフォームを構造化するのに役立つ要素をグループ化します。
Section |
Item |
Description |
Details |
Field name |
Name of the element. Always use meaningful names for the Field name. The Field name is the actual Item name for the Sitecore definition item for the form field. |
Conditions |
Edit conditions |
Apply conditional actions to fields in web forms. Click Edit conditions to add a condition. |
Styling |
CSS class |
Define the CSS class of the field. |
Section |
Item |
Description |
Details |
Label |
Name the button. For example: Continue/Next, Previous, Submit. |
Field name |
Name of the element. |
Navigation step |
Determines what happens after clicking the Submit button. The options are Submit, Previous, or Next. |
Styling |
CSS class |
Defines the CSS class of the field. |
Conditions |
Edit conditions |
Apply conditional actions to fields in web forms. Click Edit conditions to add a condition. |
Submit actions |
Delete the submit action |
Deletes a submit action. |
Modify the submit action |
Opens a submit action for modification. |
Move the submit action one step up |
Moves the submit action one step up in the list. |
Move the submit action one step down |
Moves the submit action one step down in the list. |
Add a submit action |
Click # to add one of the following submit actions: Trigger Goal – selects a preset goal. Trigger Campaign Activity – selects a preset campaign activity. Trigger Outcome – selects an outcome type. Send Email Campaign message - select the email campaign message that should be sent when the button is clicked. Redirect to Page – redirects the visitor to a web page. Save Data – saves the form data to the database. Note If you add more than one submit action, the order is important. For example, if you place a redirect action before a save action, the form data may not be saved. |